
Pastor: Rev. Richard (Rick) Giles
Welcome to the Northside Baptist Church web site.
We hope that you will find it helpful and spiritually uplifting. It is our purpose, even on this site, to inform the world that our Lord, "Jesus Christ," has given Himself as their personal Savior. For instructions as to how you can make that decision, just follow the “about us” link to "our beliefs." The ABC’s of salvation is there for who so ever will.
Also provided on this site are audio sermons that have been selected for your personal use or to share with others as you deem necessary. Just follow the link to our You Tube page to listen to any message you would like. Please continue to return often, and watch for the video uploads that are soon to come. If you subscrib on the YouTube link, the uploads will automatically be sent to you. So, go ahead and subscribe today.
Please feel free to contact us for more information about our church, and ministries we provide. May the Lord, our God, bless and keep you.
In His service,
Rev. Rick Giles
Northside Baptist Church
Okeechobee, FL